Test to be performed - Medial hamstring reflex with the patient positioned in supine
Expected findings - Palpable and/or observe a visible contraction of the medial hamstrings, slight knee flexion, and equivalent hamstring reflex reactivity when compared to the contralateral extremity
Equipment - Non-latex Taylor (i.e., tomahawk style hammer) or neurological reflex hammer
Testing procedures
- The distal thigh and knee must be readily palpated and free of restrictive clothing (i.e., a tightly rolled up pant leg).
- Position the patient in supine.
- Stand to the side of the patient at the level of his or her knee.
- Place the knee that is being examined in 45-60 degrees of flexion.
- Localize the medial hamstring tendon (i.e., semimembranosus and semitendinosus).
- The muscle is typically relaxed, but reinforcement procedures can be used if needed.
- Place your second and third finger over the tendon approximately 3cm above the level of the posterior joint line.
- Swing the reflex hammer loosely between your thumb and forefinger through a 45 to 60 degree arc, while making certain the hammer is aligned perpendicular to the tendon.
- Standardize your finger placement, size of reflex hammer, and force if needed.
- Palpate and visually observe the response to the provided stimulis (i.e., contraction of the hamstrings and flexion of the knee).
- Repeat the procedure.
- Document your findings.