Common problems and solutions
Problem: Acrobat Reader files (i.e., PDF) do not open or I get a message stating, “Windows cannot open this file.”
Solution: Adobe Acrobat Reader is either not installed, not installed properly, or your operating system does not meet the minimum requirement for Adobe Acrobat Reader version 6 or above.
Problem: When the module opens in my browser, the pages do not fit on the screen, and I must scroll considerably to view the pages.
Solution: This module requires a minimum screen resolution of 1024 pixels x 768 pixels. You can check and change your resolution by following these simple steps: from the “Control Panel” task window, open the display settings by double clicking on the “Display” icon. The display properties task window will open; click on the “Settings” tab. Make sure the “Screen Area” is set to at least 1024 pixels x 768 pixels. Additionally, make sure the “Colors” are set to “16 bit” or greater. Please note, configuration may vary between operating systems and computer manufacturers.
Problem: The Information bar messages about blocked pop-up windows will not stop appearing.
Solution: Turn off the Information bar while using DHCS modules.
1. On the “Tools” menu point to the “Pop-up Blocker” menu item, and then click “Pop-up Blocker Settings.”
2. Clear the “Show information bar when a pop-up is blocked” check box. |