Primary Anatomical Considerations
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- Sensory pathways or tracts
- Spinothalamic tracts
- Anterolateral spinothalamic tracts (ALSpTh)
- Nociceptive (pain), thermal, and crude touch
- Fibers cross to opposite side of spinal cord within a few segments
- Dorsal Columns/ Medial Lemniscus system (DC/ML)
- Discriminatory touch
- Stereognosis
- Barognosis
- Graphesthesia
- Texture recognition
- Two-point discrimination
- Pressure
- Kinesthesia
- Proprioception
- Vibration
- Fibers remain uncrossed until the level of the medulla
- Spinocerebellar Tracts (SC)
- Unconscious sensation for motor control
- Primary synaptic connections within the brain
- Thalamus, Somatosensory cortex. Reticular formation, Cerebellum and Vestibular cortex.