Test to be performed - Joint movement sense
Joint movement sense measures the individual’s ability to perceive the active change in position of a joint with vision occluded and minimal exteroceptive cues. Joint movement sense is also referred to as kinesthesia.
Expected findings - The individual will be able to perceive the passive joint movement accurately without hesitation.
Equipment - None
Testing procedure
- Explain the procedure to the patient with his/her eyes open. For example, “I am going to move your wrist (or ankle, shoulder, elbow, etc.) in a certain direction, and I want you to describe the direction of the movement as soon as you feel it.”
- Demonstrate the procedure with the patient’s eyes open until the patient understands the procedure to be performed.
- The patient closes his/her eyes, or vision is otherwise occluded.
- Hold the body segment being tested on the lateral surfaces of the limb to minimize cues from touch and pressure sensations.
- Passively move the individual’s joint in one direction. The increments of movement should be relatively small and avoid the full end range of motion.
- Have the patient indicate the direction of movement.
- The procedure is repeated enough times to conclude if joint movement sense is intact or impaired. A suggested minimum number of trials is five per joint.
- Document findings.