Somatosensory Examination and Evaluation Study Guide Key Features
The following section will briefly describe the key features of the guide. The learner is encouraged to review the “Read Me First” page if he/she has not already done so.
Performance tools
Performance tools reflect a variety of resources that can be used to augment the learning experience, such as a laboratory study guide, worksheets, and study tools. Most performance tools will offer the option to open the tool in Acrobat Reader, save the tools for future use, and/or print the tool for use in the classroom, laboratory, or clinic.
Learning checkpoint patient problems
This module contains short patient problems or clinical case scenarios. The initial case scenarios will ask the learner to identify if somatosensory examination is indicated and to provide the rationale for his or her decision. The later case scenarios will ask the learner to identify if somatosensory examination is indicated, to identify the specific tests or measures that should be performed, and to provide the rationale for his or her decisions. After the learner completes a case scenario worksheet, he/she can review how a clinical expert responded to the same question.
The module contains videos of the procedures covered in the module as performed by a clinical expert. |